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Yasmin offers one-to-one mentoring to new non-fiction writers, and welcomes opportunities for workshop facilitation.


Yasmin gained a PhD in Creative Writing (non-fiction place writing) at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). Her thesis topic covers place and memory with particular emphasis on emotional connections to place and sites of significance; it includes commentary on material culture related to death, and the rites and rituals of remembering.


Previously, Yasmin worked as an interior designer, company director, and trainer. (She also has experience as a gardener, bartender, greengrocer, magistrate and mushroom picker). Having raised a family as a single parent and lived in fifteen different houses in England she is now settled in Cambridgeshire. She keeps fit through walking and, in her leisure time, is absorbed by creative sewing and all forms of visual media, art, design, and architecture.


PhD: Creative Non-fiction - Place Writing, MMU.

MA (Dist): Creative Non-fiction, MMU.

Diploma in Interior Design, Inchbald School of Design.

BA (Hons): Art History, Open University.

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